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Appointments Appointments Appointments

Writer's picture: Eve HughesEve Hughes

I have been so unmotivated recently to write. Everyday recently has been filled with one appointment or another. Regardless of what the appointment is for it drains you for the day. Here is my attempt to take you through a Monday-Friday week of appointments.

Whenever it is an appointment for Will I feel like I have to give 110% of my attention so that I retain everything as best as possible. Because dad has been working so hard and so many hours recently that puts me alone in these appointments. This week alone Will had the following appointments; physical therapy, occupational therapy, vision services, pediatrician wellness exam, and swim class. I had counseling, blind school zoom meeting, and worked 3 days. That is a snap shot of just 1 week in our appointment lives.


Morning - I typically enjoy Mondays. It's the first day of the week where we are truly back in our routine and schedule. Well for the most par, appointments always require some adjusting. Will and I wake up together sometime between 6:30-7am. We get up I make coffee while holding Will in my arms. While coffee is brewing I let the dogs out and bring my coffee downstairs. I breast feed Will while bracing myself as he bites and sucks. Once he bites more than sucks :D I know he's done. Baby goes on the floor to play while I pump and drink my coffee. Breakfast is at 8:00 am for all including puppies! While it varies everyday Will goes down for his first nap between 9-10 am. I usually make insurance/medical calls and or clean the house during this time. Today however I had my yearly work review over zoom. That meeting took a little less than an hour and luckily Will napped through the whole thing and then some. He woke a little after 11.

Afternoon - I had to strategically plan lunch as both his therapists wanted to see Will in action in his new high chair. Will has been beating his whole body against the back of his old high chair and despite everything we've tried nothing helped. His team helped us find a new high chair to better meet his vestibular needs (spoiler alert when I have the energy a blog about vestibular input is coming). We started lunch at 12:40 so we'd be wrapping up just as our zoom therapy session started. Our zoom meeting consisted of Anne our occupational therapist, Barb our physical therapist, and Wendy our vision specialist through the Ohio State School for the Blind. We played with the high chair looking at how Will sat in it, how we could manipulate the chair to even better suit his needs. We tweaked what we could on the call adding different textures for his feet, adjusting the trays, and removing/adding cushions. We did this until Will was no long willing to cooperate. Out of the chair and down to floor exercises we went, me carrying the laptop and Will down the stairs to our family room. The second half of the meeting was a flurry of different crawling techniques, stair activities, and repositioning of furniture as well as toys to aid in crawling and pulling up. Will seems pretty content to not crawl however our team wants to strongly encourage him as there are many benefits to crawling before walking ( another spoiler watch for a post describing exercises in detail). After over an hour of therapies Will went down for his nap right after and didn't wake until almost 4.

Evening - Will goes to bed earlier than most so our evening starts after his afternoon nap in my mind. He gets milk right when he wakes then dinner around 5. I try to cook my own dinner sometime before 5 but that's not always possible. We then play and kill time until bed time which is right around 7:30 pm. It's then that mom final gets some time to herself. I pump, drink my wine, watch 30 minutes of tv then to bed myself.

Overall the zoom meetings really drained me this day in particular. The therapies take all that I have to focus and take in what they are saying while maneuvering a laptop, baby, and dozens of toys.


Morning - mornings start the same way. Wake up, make coffee, take care of dogs, breast feed, pump, and drink coffee. Play, eat, nap repeat! Typically Will wakes up from his nap between 10/10:30 but of course the day you need him to wake he wants to sleep in. I woke him from his nap with just enough time for him to suck down a bottle. Luckily the pediatrician is 5 minutes from our house. I highly recommend finding a pediatrician that is CLOSE by!

He had his 9 month check up. He is 20.11 lbs 65th percentile and 29.75 inches long 95th percentile. Our doctor was impressed by the things he is capable of. poor little man got 1 vaccine and cried so hard he could barely breath.

Afternoon: The rest of the day we tried to take it easy playing. He was so tired from our visit and his vaccine he napped over 2 hours. He was impossibly fussy the rest of the day so I continued to give him tylenol. I've heard it's a good idea to give tylenol before you go to help with pain but I never remember.

Evening - Evening was no different cries and moans not wanting to play. Of course bedtime was all messed up too! He finally went to bed an hour after he normally does. Crazy how something so small can throw your whole day into a spiral!


Morning - Grandma came the night before so luckily I got a night off from waking up with the monitor. Will was up once in the middle of the night then up for good at 6:30 am. I pumped while drinking coffee and getting ready for work. My shift starts at 7:45 but I struggle to get to there on time.

Afternoon - I work as a veterinary receptionist and on top of having a full schedule we had 6 emergencies and 2 emergency surgeries. One dog ate a cow tail and I kid you not you could see multiple bones in the shape of a tail on the x-ray. Apparently dehydrated cow tails are sold as dog treats and advertised as safe... All this had me worried that getting out on time wouldn't happen. And I was on the closing shift meaning I'd be there until 6.

Evening - After getting home I got to see my husband all of 10 minutes then he got called in to work the night shift last minute after working all day. I poured a glass of wine and jumped on zoom for the blind school coffee hour. They do zoom coffee hours every month where we discuss different topics. Toys, over stimulation, and sensory needs are just a few. This meeting was all about managing medical needs an appointments as it can get overwhelming. One thing I've learned is that when preparing your blind child for a shot poke the area several times with your finger or pen so they know something is coming to that area so they aren't as surprised. Obviously shots still hurt no matter how prepared you are. Grandma stayed late and helped get Will to bed. which yet again he was up in the middle of the night for a while and again early morning! Lack of sleep makes weeks like these so much harder!


Morning - Same morning routine yet these days are difficult as we have swim class at 10. I do my best to stimulate him and tire him out so he will nap before class. I try to get him down for his first nap by 8:45 so he gets at least an hour. I almost always have to wake him with just enough time to get his suit on and out the door. He loves to kick in the water. We practice blowing bubbles, holding on to the wall, and reaching with our arms. Overall it's a great work out for Will and me!

Afternoon - After swim class we try to take it easy as it is exhausting! lunch time is at noon so today we set up everything for lunch and set up the laptop for zoom counseling. I usually multitask during counseling as a mom's job never stops. I fed Will, cleaned him, changed him, and set him up to play all while in my counseling appointment. I carry the laptop room to room while also carrying Will. It's a lot but we've gotten used to it. I honestly see myself being in regular counseling for years to come as everyday is still an emotional and physical struggle. Some days are better than others however when it hits it hits hard.

Evening - Bed time never seems to come fast enough yet the evening moves quickly. Will wakes from his afternoon nap around 3 and gets milk right away then dinner at 5, bath at 6:30, bottle and bed at 7. This leave little time for me to make and eat my own dinner. From the moment he wakes up I plan my time strategically. I try to get my dinner cooked right before or right after I feed Will. Cooking while entertaining a baby is hard! it's all about quick meals or doordash when things are too crazy. Often I don't eat until 8 after Will is asleep.


Morning - Mornings start early on Fridays as I have to be at work by 7:15. Grandma and Grandpa get there by 6:45 so I can get breakfast and get to work on time. I wake up a little before 6 so I can pump before will wakes. This particular Friday Will was up at 5:45!!!!! It was a rough morning as he never wakes up that early.

Afternoon - Being at work is hard for me as all I can think of is all the things I'm not getting done at home. I thinking about the insurance and medical calls that aren't getting done, the dirty laundry or house, the PT that Will needs to be doing, and more simply I MISS HIM! We have become so close all the time we spend together and all the new things we do as a mommy baby team.

Evening - I get off from work around 5:45 and rush home to be with me baby! I usually come home to a clean house thanks to Grandma! I quickly shower and love on my baby as much as I can before bed time.

Dad has been working overtime to fill gaps in the schedule at work. He was only home for 2 of that 5 nights. This week has been full of long over whelming days. Aside from the appointments we still have all the day to day therapies and activities. I don't know how moms handle multiple children especially if one is disabled. I give major props to all the moms just making it one day to the next as I find myself there regularly!

How we feel after our long week!

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